Let Justice Roll Down Like Water

This season, please think of our neighbors on the Warm Springs Reservation who still don’t have clean water coming from the pipes in their homes. Can you help justice flow toward them? This community of 5,500 people has been forced to rely on bottled water since 2017. Although the government is funding a new system to replace the old, inadequate one, that project will not be completed for years.

Currently, they use 8,000-9,000 gallons of water every four weeks (more in hot summer months). An old school building serves as the distribution hub for the residents of the surrounding 1000-square-miles. Those who can’t drive over the rough roads to pick up water, rely on a handful of college students to make deliveries.

Members of the Warm Springs Presbyterian Church try to keep a one-month supply of water on hand at the distribution center and ensure an adequate supply is available at community gatherings like funerals and pow wows. They rely on donations to do that, and purchase water from local grocery stores. Water prices vary, but currently it costs $210-265 for a pallet of gallon jugs and around $840.00 for a pallet of 16oz bottled water.

If you can help, visit this donation link and put “Warm Springs Water” in the notes box.


First Presbyterian Church Outreach Committee